I equip purpose-driven small businesses with design and marketing rooted in authenticity.
Creative 〰
Branding 〰
Marketing 〰
Creative 〰 Branding 〰 Marketing 〰

Service Offerings
Branding Strategy & Design
A deep dive strategy session into your brand, a full branding kit including a logo suite, brand colors, brand fonts, usage guide, and additional collateral or designs as needed.
8 hour block of time to be used on any creative or marketing service. Also includes a 30 minute onboarding and off-boarding session before and after the VIP day.
Marketing Strategy & Plan
Full marketing plan and one 60 minute ad-hoc consultation to be used as you're implementing your plan.
Audit, Maintenance, & Design Services
Marketing audits, website maintenance, and other design services.
I’m Devon, your mixed curly creative!
I’m the founder and face of Mixed Curl Creative. I thrive by working with small businesses that have a purpose-driven mission. I’m a vibrant marketer and graphic designer from Dayton, OH. I love the city of Dayton and all its gems. You will frequently find me enjoying a cup of tea with a smile on my face.
Ready to get started?
Step 1
Click the “Work With Me” button below to answer a few questions about your business, project needs, and timeline.
Step 2
A quick call will be scheduled to discuss your project further. If it’s a good fit, a project proposal will be provided for review.
Step 3
Once the proposal is accepted, a signed contract and a 50% deposit is required.